Tuesday, March 26, 2013


You got a callback!  Congratulations!  Here are your 20 pages of sides to learn.  We’ll see you Thursday at noon.

Step one:  You leave a message for your boss.  You won’t be able to babysit until 2pm on Thursday (-2 hours of work= $30).  Your boss calls back.  They really need someone to pick the kids up at noon, just take the day off.  (- 5 hour babysitting shift = $75).

Step two:  You contact your favorite pianist to get the sides recorded.  (-$25 per song= -$50).

Step three:  As you work through the material you find yourself struggling through the bridge- of course it sits right on your break!  You call your vocal coach for an emergency session. (-$100).

Step four:  You nail the callback and they ask you to come back to tap on Friday.  You call your boss to cancel… again (- 5 hour babysitting shift= $75).

Step five:  You haven’t taken a tap class since college.  You run to BDC (- $18).

Step six:  Class totally paid off, they ask you to sing again, and by the way, can you learn this new song? …..

You see where I’m going.  At this point in the process the grand total is up to $318.  Now it may be a bit of an exaggeration, but the reality is not far off.  Auditioning, callbacks, classes, perfecting your craft is expensive.  And even if you nail it, there’s no job guarantee.  And even if you book it, you may be walking away with barely enough to cover your expenses. 

            Be smart about your money.  You’re gonna need more of it to book your next job!


  1. Interesting. I have friends who are actors and it's not easy juggling everything, but I never though about the costs involved too.

  2. Ouch! But I guess if you're following your dreams and living on less, it makes perfect financial sense.

  3. Yes...this is A HUGE source of Frustration for me. The real danger here is also saying, "i probably wont get it anyway so why should i pay for that coaching" but the truth is you probably won't get it without it.
