I’ve been admittedly down the last few weeks. Unemployment and unexpected expenses
have made for a pretty bleak autumn thus far. Wallowing has done nothing for me so I’m changing tactics
and working on gratitude. If
you’ve ever read “The Secret” or heard of “The Law of Attraction” you’ve heard
that the energies you put out are the ones that you attract. Well I can definitely attest that
wallowing begets more wallowing.
If instead I reflect on the things for which I am grateful, perhaps I’ll
receive more to be grateful for.

for what you have,
rather than contempt for what you don’t.
Whatever amount you have in your bank account, it’s an abundance to
someone. Instead of feeling like
you’re barely getting by, give thanks that you can pay your rent, your heating
bills, your grocery tab. When you
get a paycheck, instead of thinking, “I’m not making enough”, think, “I’m
grateful that money is coming into my life and I’m open to receiving more”. When you see change on the sidewalk,
pick it up, enjoy it, and be grateful that money is flowing towards you. By perpetuating a sense of abundance
rather than lack, you’ll attract more prosperity.
you have a hard time thinking of your finances as abundant, look at other
aspects of your life that are.
Give thanks for friends, family, work, hobbies, anything and
everything. By giving thanks and
allowing for all forms of abundance, you’ll also be allowing more money to
enter your life.
worry; I haven’t gone completely new age on you. I’m still a hard ass when it comes to needless spending and
properly saving (stay tuned for next weeks blog). But from time to time it’s important to take a moment, stop
worrying or wallowing, and give thanks for what you have.
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